
动态生成 Schema

在底层, ModelSchema 使用了 create_schema 函数。 这是一种更高级(且不太安全)的方法——请谨慎使用。


Django Ninja 带有一个辅助函数 create_schema:

def create_schema(
    model, # django model
    name = "", # name for the generated class, if empty model names is used
    depth = 0, # if > 0 schema will also be created for the nested ForeignKeys and Many2Many (with the provided depth of lookup)
    fields: list[str] = None, # if passed - ONLY these fields will added to schema
    exclude: list[str] = None, # if passed - these fields will be excluded from schema
    optional_fields: list[str] | str = None, # if passed - these fields will not be required on schema (use '__all__' to mark ALL fields required)
    custom_fields: list[tuple(str, Any, Any)] = None, # if passed - this will override default field types (or add new fields)


from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from ninja.orm import create_schema

UserSchema = create_schema(User)

# Will create schema like this:
# class UserSchema(Schema):
#     id: int
#     username: str
#     first_name: str
#     last_name: str
#     password: str
#     last_login: datetime
#     is_superuser: bool
#     email: str
#     ... and the rest


默认情况下 create_schema 使用所有模型字段构建模式。 这可能导致意外的不必要数据暴露(如哈希密码,在上述例子中)。
始终 使用 fieldsexclude 参数来明确定义属性列表。

使用 fields

UserSchema = create_schema(User, fields=['id', 'username'])

# Will create schema like this:
# class UserSchema(Schema):
#     id: int
#     username: str

使用 exclude

UserSchema = create_schema(User, exclude=[
    'password', 'last_login', 'is_superuser', 'is_staff', 'groups', 'user_permissions']

# Will create schema without excluded fields:
# class UserSchema(Schema):
#    id: int
#    username: str
#    first_name: str
#    last_name: str
#    email: str
#    is_active: bool
#    date_joined: datetime

使用 depth

depth 参数允许你深入检查 Django 模型到相关字段(外键、一对一、多对多)。

UserSchema = create_schema(User, depth=1, fields=['username', 'groups'])

# Will create the following schema:
# class UserSchema(Schema):
#    username: str
#    groups: List[Group]

注意这里的组变成了 List[Group] - 多对多字段深入检查了 1 级并也为组创建了模式:

class Group(Schema):
    id: int
    name: str
    permissions: List[int]


继续下一章节! 覆盖 Pydantic 配置

